melancholy youth

since 2016.6

interview -football, etc.-

間もなく2度目のジャパンツアーが始まるfootball, etc.にメールインタビューを敢行しました。

(As for overseas people, there is an interview in English when you scroll, so please have a look there.)


Mercy: こんにちは! football, etc.でベースを弾いてるマーシィです。

Lindsey: ハイ、ギターとボーカルのリンゼイです。

Daniel: やあ! ドラムのダニエルだよ。


Mercy: まず驚いたのが日本のバンドのクオリティの高さ...本当にみんなすごかった! malegoatやMIRRORの後に演奏するのが不安になるくらいだった笑 彼らはとても素敵だった。

Lindsey: 日本は本当に素晴らしかった。バンドの良さもさることながら、私たちが出会った人々は親切で寛大だったね。
あと食べ物もすごかった。面白いのは私は豚肉を食べないんだけど、魚以外の選択肢だと"沢山"の唐揚げを食べることになってね...笑 今回はまた別の食べ物も探してみたいね。

Daniel: 本当に日本が大好きなんだ。みんな親切で良い人だし、ツアーをしっかり計画を練って行ってるよね。

そしてあなたたちは前作"Disappear"からJ. Robbinsをエンジニアに迎えて制作を行っています。今回も彼を起用した理由はありますか?

Mercy: 彼とレコーディングしてから、他の誰かとレコーディングするのは思いつかなかった。彼とレコーディングすることは私達にとってとても良い経験になって本当に良い時間を過ごせました。

Daniel: 彼がまたレコーディングしてくれると決まった時、"Corner"は良いものになるって確信したね。それからこのアルバムは5日間でレコーディングしたんだ! 彼が迅速かつ効率的に録ってくれるのを知ってたからね。

4.今回のUSリリースはCommunity Records、UKリリースはBarely Regalですね。この2レーベルをリリース元に選んだ理由はなんでしょうか?

Lindsey: 数年前にCommunity Recordsのメンバーと会った時、とてもうまが合ったの。"Corner"を制作していた時に私たちにとって、そしてこのアルバムにとってこのレーベルが良いものだって思った。Barely Regalも同じ様に、スタッフのMattとずっと親しくしていました。
Matt (Barely Regal)はヨーロッパツアーで、D-Ray (Community Records)は夏のアメリカツアーで一緒だったんだけど、とってもクールな時間を過ごせました。


Lindsey: これまでのツアーの中でも良いツアーの1つになった。ショーも素晴らしかったね。これまで行ったことある街にも行けたけど、幾つか新たに行けた街もあった。

Daniel: Dags!と一緒にツアーをしたのは素晴らしいことだったね。彼らのことがとても大好きだよ。今回のツアーは上手くやれてすごく楽しく出来たね。


Mercy: FESTで彼は有名人だった。多くの人が彼のことを知っていたし、私たちから見たら、ハジメは最初の日本のDIYエモパンクの"キング"だと思ってる。

Lindsey: ハジメはレジェンド。彼は本当にクールな人。

Daniel: ハジメは大好きだよ! FESTで彼と会えたのはとても楽しかったね! 一緒に沢山のビールを飲んでピザを食べたりしながら素晴らしい時間を過ごせたよ。


Mercy: 毎晩rem time rem timeと一緒にやれるのが楽しみ。前のツアーではうり坊(Gtの鈴木氏)がツアードライバーだったから彼が面白い男だって分かってたし、rem timeのサウンドも大好き。
そしてdear studentも楽しみ! 私たちはマリ(Gt/Vo)を以前から知ってて、彼女のバンドを観るのが待ちきれない。

Daniel: 僕はEupholksと一緒にやれるのが楽しみだね。僕たちはヒロユキと前のジャパンツアーで会ったんだけど、今は彼のバンドがあってそのバンドがとても素晴らしいんだ。どれも観れることに興奮してるよ。最終日でmalegoatと一緒にやるけどこの日は伝説の1日になるだろうね!


Lindsey: 多くの観光は街から街へと移動している中するけど、会場の街に住む人達と1日を過ごして、ショーの後もぶらぶらとしているかな。
今回日本ではタトゥーを入れたい! また日本だと回転寿司のお店やフクロウバーがあるから、どれかに行けたら良いね。


Lindsey: 私たちはまた日本に来れて、みんなと新曲を分かち合えることが嬉しい!

Daniel: 僕たちの友達そして新たな友との出会いに興奮してるよ。いっぱいカンパイしよう!

Mercy: 私も! 友達や新たな人達との出会いが待ちきれない。

Tour info


We did a mail interview on football, etc., which will soon be the second Japan tour to begin.
As I have been interviewing in Japan before, this time I heard a bit about the previous tour, the new album, about the tour this time.
Then please have a look.

1. Well then, please introduce your band first.

Mercy: Hello! I’m Mercy and I play Bass VI in football, etc.
Lindsay: Hi, I am Lindsay and I play guitar and sing.
Daniel: Hi! I’m Daniel and I play drums.

2. This is the 2nd Japan Tour this time.
It is the tour that will be the first time in about two and a half years, please tell me the impression of the first time in Japan tour.
(By the way, I went to see the first day of the last time. I remember having had a lot of fun.)

Mercy: One thing that impressed me the first time in Japan was the quality of the bands - they were almost too good! It would have been intimidating to play after bands like Malegoat and Mirror, except they were so nice. I was also impressed by the fans in Japan. They were so into the music that it was a joy to play for them.
Lindsay: I thought Japan was amazing. In addition to the amazing bands, all of the people we met were so kind and generous. Also, the food was incredible. Funny thing is, I don’t eat pork, so I ended up eating A LOT of karaage if fish was not an option. I hope to explore some new cuisines.
Daniel: I love Japan so much. The people are all so generous and kind, everything was very organized and well planned. It’s very different from touring in Europe or America for us.

3.This year, you released the third album “Corner”. I felt it was a very good album.
And you guys are welcoming J. Robbins as an engineer from the previous work Disappear. Why did you appoint him this time as well?
You were told that at the time of making Disappear, “I could record with him and it was a very good experience."

Mercy: After recording with J. Robbins, it was hard to think of recording with anyone else. We were so happy last time, not only with the sound of the record, but also with the experience we had.
Daniel: Coming back to record with J. Robbins again allowed us to feel confident that Corner would be what we wanted it to. We were able to make the record in about 5 days! Because we knew we could work quickly and efficiently with J.

4.This time US release is Community Records, UK release is Berely Regal. Why did you choose this 2 label as the release source?

Lindsay: We met the folks at Community Records a couple of years ago, and we really hit it off. When we were working on “Corner,” we just thought that the label would be a really good fit for us and for this album. Similarly with Barely Regal, we have been really good friends with Matt for some time. It was really cool because Matt (Barely Regal) was with us on our European tour and D-Ray (Community Records) was with us on our U.S. tour this summer.

5.After releasing the album, you performed a Europe tour with the Italian band DAGS! in July.
I saw pictures with instagram etc, but thought that I was doing a very good tour. Could you tell me the impression at that time?

Lindsay: This was one of my favorite tours we have ever been on. The shows were great. We were able to visit many cities where we have been already before, but also went to a few new cities where we had never been. The folks in Dags! were great to tour with, as we all have many things in common with one another.
Daniel: DAGS! Were great to tour with. We love them. We all got along very well and it made for a really fun tour experience. We met them in 2015, when we played in Milan Italy where Marcantonio from DAGS! Set up our show and we just stayed in contact, and this year decided to invite them to come with us, luckily they said yes!

6.There was a FEST a couple days ago, you also appeared.
Mr. Hajime who invited you this time also went to FEST and joined you. Could you tell me the impression of him?

Mercy: At FEST Hajime was a celebrity. So many people know him. From our perspective, it seems like Hajime is “the king” of DIY punk and emo in Japan. We are lucky to know him and to have his help to tour Japan.
Lindsay: Hajime is such a legend. He is such a cool guy.
Daniel: I love Hajime! It was so much fun to catch up with him at FEST! We drank many beers and ate pizza and had a great time.

7.The Japan tour will start soon.
I will co-star with various bands this time, but do you have a particularly fun band?

Mercy: I am looking forward to playing with Rem Time Rem Time every night. Uriboo was our driver last time and I know that he is a fun guy, and I really like the sound of Rem Time. I also look forward to seeing Dear Student! We have known Mari for some time and can’t wait to see her playing live.
Daniel: Also I am excited to play with Eupholks, we met Hiroyuki in 2015 on our last tour of Japan and now he has his band Eupholks and they are great! Excited to see them. Also to play with Malegoat at the final show of the tour will be legendary!

8. I think that sightseeing will be done on this tour, but do you have something you would like to go somewhere?

Lindsay: A lot of the sightseeing is done in transit from city to city, and then in spending a day with locals from each city at the venue and hanging out after the show. Something I would like to do this time in Japan is get a tattoo! Also, I have seen sushi restaurants with a conveyor belt and owl bars that exist in Japan-- I would love to visit one of those one day.

9.So this is the last time, please tell me if there is something I want to tell you.

Lindsay: We are so excited to come back and share our new music with everyone!
Daniel: So excited to see our friends and meet new friends! Many Kanpai!
Mercy: Ditto! I can’t wait to see friends and meet new people.

Thanks football, etc.!
Tour will be held from 20th to 25th November. Let's all go for fun together!

Tour info